Wednesday, 20th November
Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2024
Sunday, 17th November
Monday, 18th November
Tuesday, 19th November
Wednesday, 20th November
Thursday, 21st November
Registration Open
8:30AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Avenue
Session 10.1 | Opening Remarks and Welcome
8:45AM - 9:00AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Arena
Session 10.1 | Conservation of Threatened Species
9:00AM - 10:30AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Arena
Chair: Amy Tims
Long-term movement ecology and habitat use of threatened Speartooth Sharks
Glyphis glyphis
to inform management.
Julia Constance
Ungrateful Australian lungfish eating themselves out of house and home
Colin L Burke
Non-lethal age estimation of Australian bass (
Percalates novemaculeata)
to inform fisheries management and conservation.
Josh J Whiley
Mitigating threatened species bycatch in commercial gillnet fisheries
Joni Pini-Fitzsimmons
Genomic tools for connectivity assessment and adaptation potential in the spotted handfish (
Brachionichthys hirsutus
Sharon Appleyard
Followed by a panel discussion
Session 10.2 | Opening Remarks & Welcome
8:45AM - 9:00AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Extra
Session 10.2 | Extreme Frontiers
9:00AM - 10:30AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Extra
Chair: Jessica Randall
Flow Velocities to Improve Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Darling-Baaka River and Reduce Fish Deaths
Donald C Davis
Flow management options for the Lower Darling-Baaka River to improve ecological outcomes
Simon Mitrovic
Sediments, parasites and golden perch: what happened in the most recent Menindee fish kill?
Matthew Balzer
Fixing the roof when the sun is shining – responding to extreme events in less extreme ways
Cameron Lay
Cold water pollution mitigation at a large dam via bubble plume destratification
Matthew Gordos
Chilling consequences: navigating cold water pollution and fish recruitment in the Murray-Darling Basin
Laura Michie
Session 10.3 | Opening Remarks & Welcome
8:45AM - 9:00AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Vivid
Session 10.3 | Movement and Connectivity
9:00AM - 10:30AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Vivid
Chair: Wei-Chuan (Riyar) Chiang
Drone-based habitat use of rays in estuarine systems
Molly Grew
Snails pace: nomadic movement of a harvested rocky shore gastropod
Kate M Seinor
Unravelling cryptic bull shark (
Carcharhinus leucas
) ecology to inform shark control in Australia
Bonnie Holmes
Fish passage prevention as a goal - the Tantangara Creek Fish Barrier
Lizzie Pope
Combining telemetry and fisher knowledge to investigate movement and habitat preferences of oceanic whitetip and silky sharks around the Central Pacific
Molly E Scott
Session 10.4 | Opening Remarks & Welcome
8:45AM - 9:00AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The King Street
Session 10.4 | Challenges and Risks Facing Australian Fisheries
9:00AM - 10:30AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The King Street
Chair: Pia Bessell-Browne
Sponsored by:
Challenges and risks facing Australian fisheries: potential solutions
Daniel Corrie
Transforming Fisheries Management: A Case Study of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF)
Wez Norris
What research is needed to address challenges facing wild-capture fisheries?
David c Smith
Using the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy to prioritise the use of Fisheries resources
Thor Saunders
Challenges to the stock assessment community: helping build stock assessment capacity in Australia
Catherine M. Dichmont
Followed by a panel discussion
Morning Tea
10:30AM - 11:00AM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Avenue
Session 11.1 | Conservation of Threatened Species
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Arena
Chair: Hugh Allan
Apollo Marine Park: A shark and ray hotspot?
Sasha Whitmarsh
Deep trouble for Australia's deep water sharks & rays
Leonardo Guida
Environmental drivers of abundance of key Australian shark and ray species
Leanne Currey-Randall
What's in a saw? An exploration of the chemical fingerprint of rostral teeth to gain insights into sawfish life history and spatial ecology
Veronika N Biskis
Cashing in on Conservation: The Blue Economy of Manta Ray watching in the Maldives
Hannah Moloney
Followed by a panel discussion
Session 11.2 | Extreme Frontiers
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Extra
Chairs: John Morrongiello & Simon Mitrovic
Using eDNA to assess how estuarine fish communities respond to consecutive extreme events of drought, bushfire, and post-fire flood
Jessica A Tout-Lyon
When it rains it pours: native fish responses to a major flood in a drying climate
Ruby Stoios
Big flood, bad outcome
John Trethewie
Fish out of water: Climate change threats to drought refuges in Australian dryland rivers
Jonathan C Marshall
A statistical framework for predicting the water temperature of freshwater rivers and streams
Patricia Koh
Consequences of a prolonged estuary mouth closure on a temperate marine fish
George C Giatas
Session 11.3 | Movement & Connectivity
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Vivid
Chair: Joachim Bretzel
How radiogenic isotopes could support fisheries science
Arieli Tristao Rezio
Elevated discharge reconnects a fragmented riverscape facilitating long-distance migration of a potamodromous fish
Jason Thiem
Unravelling estuarine fish connectivity: A multi-disciplinary approach
Patrick Reis-Santos
Seasonal movement patterns and habitat use of striped marlin (
Kajikia audax
) and black marlin (
Istiompax indica
) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
Wei-Chuan CHIANG
Session 11.4 | Challenges and Risks Facing Australian Fisheries
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The King Street
Chair: Daniel Corrie
Assessing the environmental performance of Australia’s fisheries: trends, challenges and evolving information needs.
Brian Page
Benthic impact pathways and data supply chains to inform offshore renewable energy developments in southern Australia
Alan Jordan
Ecological Risk Assessments in Commonwealth fisheries – a 20+ year review
Miriana Sporcic
Developing and testing a multi-species harvest strategy for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery
Paul Burch
Followed by panel discussion
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Avenue
Sub-Committee Meeting | Threatened Species
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The King Street
Everyone welcome
Session 12.1 | Conservation of Threatened Species
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Arena
Chair: Mitchell Brennan
Sponsored by:
The importance of off-river areas for fish in the mid and lower Lachlan catchment of the Murray-Darling Basin: three case studies
Adam Kerezsy
Maccas on a knife edge: genetics reveals the parlous state of NSW’s biggest Macquarie perch population
Mark Lintermans
Fish Jenga: applying metapopulation principles to water management for coastal river fishes
David Crook
The 10 in TEN program for recovering our threatened aquatic fauna – an update
Jarod Lyon
From Droughts to Floods to Recovery: Revealing complex influences of large dams on the habitat of the Threatened Australian Lungfish
David T Roberts
Session 12.2 | Extreme Frontiers
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Extra
Chair: Simon Mitrovic
Growth response of an estuarine fish to past and present environmental conditions
Koster G Sarakinis
Extreme heatwaves in summer have the largest impact on the metabolism of a temperate marine fish
John Morrongiello
Global resilience of reef fishes despite multiple bleaching events
Pooven Muruga
Ecological generalism and physiology mediate species biogeographic ranges under ocean warming
Chloe Hayes
The gut microbiome and host molecular response of a grouper to a marine heatwave
Roger Huerlimann
Session 12.3 | Population Dynamics & Life History
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Vivid
Chair: Kate Seinor
A step-by-step guide to ageing octopus: bridging critical knowledge gaps for sustainable fisheries management
Louise Hosking
Comparison of the larval development of 5 genera of clingfishes (F. Gobiesocidae) from south-eastern Australia
Tony Miskiewicz
Reconsidering the impossible: a size-based approach to the recruitment potential of larval and juvenile Pacific hake (
Merluccius productus
Iain M Suthers
Applications of otolith oxygen isotope analysis for age validation in fisheries assessment
Melissa Tan
Assessing drivers of freshwater fish recruitment variation infloodplain environments
William Mr O'Connor
Session 12.4 | Challenges & Risks Facing Australian Fisheries
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The King Street
Chair: David Smith
Sea Change Australia: Co-developing Climate Adaptation Pathways for Australia’s Fisheries and Aquaculture
Gretta Pecl
Implications of climate change on harvest strategies: A perspective from the front lines
Pia Bessell-Browne
Supporting climate adaption in Australia’s seafood sector: climate and ecosystem status reports
Stephanie Brodie
Integrating Climate Change into Fisheries Management: A Risk-Based Approach
Daniel Corrie
Followed by a panel discussion
Afternoon Tea
3:00PM - 3:30PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Avenue
Session 13.1 | Conservation of Threatened Species
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Arena
Chair: David Roberts
How to train your seahorse: can captive-bred White’s seahorses,
Hippocamus whitei
, learn to avoid predators for conservation-stocking?
Mitchell Brennan
Mapping Walking Sharks: New Distribution Insights for Site-Associated Species in Papua New Guinea
Jessica Blakeway
An investigation into the replacement of Malanda rainbowfish by
Melanotaenia spllendida
through introgression
Karl G Moy
Southern Pygmy Perch in the Upper Billabong Creek: Rehabilitation Leads to Recovery
Tim Marsden
Using information on species’ ecology to optimise eDNA sampling for the nationally threatened Australian grayling
Dylan van der Meulen
Followed by a panel discussion
Session 13.2 | Extreme Frontiers
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Extra
Chair: Laura Michie
Preparing fisheries for an unforgiving climate: lessons from the north
Laura K Blamey
Application of marine heatwave forecast information is dependent on industry agility
Jason Hartog
Forecasting a summer of extremes: Building stakeholder response capacity to marine heatwaves
Alistair Hobday
Using otoliths to understand how marine heatwaves affect fish growth
Jessica R Randall
Session 13.3 | Population Dynamics & Life History
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The Vivid
Chair: Juergen Geist
Investigating age and growth dynamics of the common gurnard perch; an emerging recreational fishery species in Tasmania
Samantha Roser
Age and growth of kawakawa (
Euthynnus affinis
) in the Indian Ocean
Irwan Jatmiko
Using copepod community data to improve models of larval fish abundance
Joshua J. R. Esman
Basin-scale management of water and fish: sensitivity analysis to refine a metapopulation model of Golden Perch.
Charles R Todd
Deciphering larval dispersal for southern rock lobsters across Australia to guide management
Katie A Cresswell
Session 13.4 | Challenges & Risks Facing Australian Fisheries
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Wednesday, 20th November
The King Street
Chair: Thor Saunders
Machine learning applications to electronic monitoring in Australia's marine fisheries
Geoff Tuck
The potential for eDNA methods to be used for fishery-independent estimates of fish biomass
Meaghan L Duncan
Snapper Science Program - supporting the recovery of an iconic fishery species
Troy A Rogers
Genetic Analysis and Risk Assessment Framework for Greenlip Abalone Stock Recovery in South Australia
Stephen Mayfield
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