Jessica R Randall Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2024

Jessica R Randall

I am Ph.D. Candidate with the Quantitative Aquatic Ecology and Evolution lab at the University of Melbourne studying the impacts of climate and harvest pressure on fish growth. Specifically, I am interested in exploring the growth impacts of long-term ocean warming and acute climate events at both the individual and population levels. I will also examine the role of human activities in altering fish growth through selective fishing pressure at different temporal scales. Originally from Washington state (USA), I received my Bachelors of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences from the University of Washington and Masters of Fisheries Science and Technology from Memorial University of Newfoundland (CAN). I’ve also worked as a groundfish observer, a federal and contract fisheries biologist (USA), and interned with a regional fisheries management organization (CAN). Ultimately, my goal is to bring together the unique perspectives and approaches to fisheries research I’ve experienced from around the world to build my career at the intersection between research, management, and science communication.

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