Oral Presentation Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2024

Review of the National Guidelines to Develop Fishery Harvest Strategies (111451)

Nicholas Giles 1 , Sean Sloan 2 , Tony Smith 3 , Caleb Gardner 4
  1. NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
  2. NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Port Stephens, NSW, Australia
  3. Tony Smith Consulting, Ranelagh, TAS, Australia
  4. University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia

The National Guidelines to Develop Fishery Harvest Strategies (FRDC 2010/061) were developed to provide a national framework to support a consistent and more harmonised approach to harvest strategy development across Australian fisheries jurisdictions.

Since implementation, development and implementation of harvest strategies and harvest strategy policy has progressed across jurisdictions, however harvest strategies have sought to incorporate increasingly challenging issues and significant challenges remain. A review of the National Guidelines (FRDC 2021-135) is being undertaken to assess the changing landscape of harvest strategy development and re-evaluate current progress and issues.

The review is taking stock of changes in harvest strategy development and is engaging management jurisdictions and national stakeholders to assess the different perspectives on progress, management issues and processes associated with developing and managing harvest strategy frameworks.

The project will result in updated National Harvest Strategy Guidelines and communications material to ensure they remain a prominent, independent and contemporary guide for fisheries jurisdictions, managers, researchers, fishers and stakeholders in supporting the development and review of harvest strategies and policy frameworks that in many cases seek to resolve complex issues and balance competing interests.