Oral Presentation Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2024

The Economics of Fish Screening to Support Native Fish and River Restoration (107913)

Boyd D Blackwell 1
  1. New South Wales Government, Armidale, NSW, Australia

This presentation provides recent findings from collaborative research on the benefits provided by fish friendly pump screens. Findings from Rolfe et al. (in sub a, b, 2024) and Jaensch (2023) using the Werner framework for public and private returns are presented. Government intervention is required to ensure that public and private efforts align. Transparent economic valuation of benefits is more ethical than implicit value determination through a cost only based budget process. Fish screens provide a unique opportunity to restore native fish populations and river ecosystems. These aspects are discussed within the context of the economic system being part of social and ecological systems. Freshwater ecosystems provide important services to society. In securing water supplies, these services are reduced. Pump screens attempt to address these inequities while providing direct benefits at the farm gate.